Friday, June 15, 2007

Get rid of Black Heads

The best way to reduce the appearance of blackheads is to do the following, twice a week:

1. Wash the skin using a gentle, natural exfoliating product and pat the skin dry
2. Fill a bowl/basin with boiling water, and a few drops of tea tree oil
3. Steam your face for about 5 minutes to open the pores and soften the skin
4. Apply a clay mask, such as bentonite clay or seaweed clay mask
* These masks will attract and absorb the oil in the blocked pore.
5. Let the mask work for the allocated time (10 minutes to an hour)
6. Rinse off with warm water and pat the skin dry
7. If you have scars or red marks from previous acne, this is a good time to apply a good scar treatment

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