Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Causes And Treatments For Back Acne

Back acne is a common skin condition that affects almost everyone at sometime in his or her life. Acne is often thought of as appearing only on the face, however it is often on other parts of the body including the chest, arms, neck and back. Aside from the face, the back is the most common area to have an outbreak of acne.

Acne happens when the hair follicles or pores become clogged. This can happen when the glands under the pores secrete excess oil. Additionally, the skin is always growing new skin and dead skin is removed through the pores. A combination of excess oil along with too many dead skin cells can plug the pores causing acne.

There are also many factors that contribute to acne. Perspiration may cause acne on the body, particularly on the back. Sweat that is allowed to sit on the body for periods of time mix with the oils to form clogs of the pores. People often get sweaty backs when they sit in a hot chair for a long time, such as when driving.

Always take a shower after heavy sweating. Wear loose fitting, cotton shirts to allow the skin to breathe better. Cotton and other natural fibers help to wick perspiration away from the body. Avoid synthetic shirt fabrics such as nylon. Carrying a backpack can contribute to acne on the back by causing friction and sweat. Use another type of pack or carry the backpack until your acne clears up. Sporting clothing or equipment can also cause an acne breakout on your back. Wear clean clothes and avoid using tight fitting pads.

Getting rid of acne on your back may be difficult because you can't see or sometimes reach certain areas. Many over-the-counter acne treatments work very well on the back. Start with an acne cleanser. Use a small amount and work it into lather. Wet your back and apply the suds. Let it sit for several minutes before washing off. Use the acne cleanser daily on only your back or any other areas that have acne. After showering, dry your back thoroughly but gently.

Products that contain benzoyl peroxide help reduce acne by killing bacteria on the skin. These come in varying strengths based on the severity of your acne. The back is made of tougher skin than the face and can therefore tolerate stronger solutions. Try using a strong 10% solution. Apply to the affected areas on your back. Apply only to dry skin. Let the product soak in or dry before putting on a shirt.

Another common product in over the counter treatments is salicylic acid. These products help to loosen clogged pores and prevent new clogs from occurring. Often you may need to use a combination of treatments to help cure acne. Remember that most medications take several weeks or more to work so be patient. If your back acne persists or worsens, even after topical treatments, you should see a dermatologist. He can help determine the best course of action. He can prescribe stronger topical creams as well as oral treatments that can help clear your acne.

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