Monday, August 20, 2007

Photo Dynamic Therapy

Hard-to-treat acne can require "power-level" treatments. A new procedure that treats resistant, hard-to-treat active acne combines light and a special light-activated solution that targets and destroys acne activity. This treatment also diminishes older acne scars leaving your skin smoother. The procedure is called Photo Dynamic Therapy.

Photodynamic Acne Treatment (PDT)is a process by which a photo sensitizing agent (Levulan) is applied to your skin. A Photo sensitizing agent is a special solution applied to the skin that is activated by a specific wavelength of light, which “turns it on.” Levulan has been used extensively for the treatment of a variety of different skin conditions.
Levulan is a 20% solution of Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA). ALA is a “natural” product found in all humans throughout the body. Its it is a precursor for hemoglobin synthesis. (You wouldn’t be able to make red blood cells to carry oxygen without ALA in your body.)

Understanding Acne

Acne results from the obstruction and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and it affects 80% of the human population. Acne typically begins in adolescence with hormonal changes. However, there are many older individuals who suffer from “adult acne.”

There are different levels of acne ranging from milder comedonal (blackheads and whiteheads) to moderate, pustular, on to severe cystic acne. In many cases, several or all of these levels of acne can be present on an individual simultaneously.

Different Levels of Acne

Moderate acne may include blackheads and whiteheads in addition to papules —inflamed lesions that appear as small, reddish or pinkish bumps that can be sensitive to touch—or pustules—inflamed, white-centered bumps that can be red at the base.

Severe acne is characterized by nodules —large, painful, solid lesions that appear as lumps under the skin—and cysts —deep, inflamed, pus-filled lesions that can be very painful. Nodules and cysts are inflammatory and can cause scarring.

Prior to Photodynamic Acne Treatment, the best available treatment option for resistant and cystic acne was Accutane. However, with Accutane there are many systemic* side effects including birth defects, liver abnormalities, mood depression, and virtually all patients get dryness and night vision changes. *Systemic treatments are any medications that are taken orally, injected or infused that affect the entire body system. PDT Acne Treatment provides a viable alternative to all types of acne treatment without having negative systemic effects.

Photodynamic Acne Treatment Procedure

The Levulan, which is a clear painless solution, is applied to your skin and left on for 15-60 minutes. It is then activated with a specific wavelength of light called BLU-U or Clear-Light. This takes about 8-10 minutes.

The Levulan is absorbed by active cells like acne sebaceous gland,. making the targeted acne cells more sensitive to the light. This combined interaction of the solution and the light is what gives rise to the term "photodynamic therapy." The Levulan will also target sebaceous hyperplasia (which are those small (1-3mm), benign bumps under your skin) and the papules of acne rosacea.

An important part of the treatment program is medical extraction of blackheads and acne pustules. This procedure will expedite the improvement in your skin condition by cleaning the pores of hardened sebum and infected debris.

The treatment reduces skin oiliness and minimizes the appearance of pore size. The entire skin texture improves following a Photodynamic Acne Treatment.

Advantages of PDT

The advantages of PDT are rapid treatment of acne lesions all over the face, no scarring, no surgical excisions and no systemic side effects. The skin appears refreshed and younger following these treatments. We advise 2-3 treatments at 2 to 3 week intervals to obtain optimal results.

Downside of PDT

The “downside” of Photodynamic treatment (PDT) is that your skin will be red and have some skin peeling (and crusting if you have skin cancers) for several days after the treatment. Usually, the first 1-2 days are the worst. Pressed mineral base powder (available in our office) will hide most of the redness. You must remain indoors the day following your treatment to avoid sun exposure, as you are photosensitive for about 24 hours after PDT. Topical acne lotions can be used in between your Levulan treatments once the redness has settled down over a period of a few days.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Acne Natural Remedies Part 2

Acne Treatment using Mint Juice

Apply fresh mint juice over the face at night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies and other skin infections.

Acne treatment using Fresh Mint.

Apply fresh mint juice over the face at night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies and other skin infections.

Acne treatment using Methi Leaves Paste

Make paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves and apply all over your face every night for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

Acne treatment using Papaya juice

Apply raw papaya (including the skin and seeds) on pimples and acne.

Acne treatment using Lime juice and Milk Wash.

To make a facewash mix fresh lime juice and a glass of boiled milk. Apply to acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.

Acne treatment using Lime Juice and Rose Water

Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on acne and or pimples and leave on for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Acne treatment using lime juice and Rose Water.

Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on acne and or pimples and leave on for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Acne treatment using tomatoes.

Acne treatment using tomatoes - Use ripe tomato pulp on acne and pimples and keep on up to 1 hour, then wash off with warm water.

Acne treatment using Potatoes

Grate potatoes as poultice and apply to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, acne, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.

Acne treatment using radish seeds.

Acne treatment using Radish Seeds - Make a paste by mixing ground radish seeds with water. Apply to acne, pimples, blackheads, etc.

Acne treatment using Sesame Seeds

Apply a paste of ground sesame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.

Acne treatment using fenugreek leaves.

Acne treatment using Fenugreek Leaves - Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek (methi) leaves in water over the face every night and washed with warm water in the morning for preventing acne, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, dryness, and wrinkles.

Acne treatment using Salt and Vinegar

Make a paste of salt in vinegar. Rub it on the acne and pimples. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
Acne treatment using Turmeric and mint.

Acne treatment using Turmeric and Mint - Mix together turmeric powder in mint juice so it's a paste. Apply the paste to acne and pimples and wash off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

Acne treatment using Neem and Turmeric

Mix neem leaves with turmeric powder until it is a paste. Apply this paste on acne and pimples. Leave on for 20-30 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Acne treatment using Turmeric and honey.

Treat acne using tumeric and honey - Mix 1 part tumeric and 1 part honey. You don't need a large amount unless don't want to make it fresh daily. Apply to skin and let it dry. Wash off with a warm wash cloth. This takes care of it!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Natural Acne Remedies Part 1

#1 Home Remedy for Treatment of Acne

Mix together 1/2 tablespoon of honey, 2 sprinkles of salt and oregano leaves, a capful of vinegar, and 1/2 finger of toothpaste. Put all this into a bowl and mix together for about 1 minute.
Wash your face first with warm water. Next, rub in the face wash for about 2 minutes. Be really gentle, you don't want to irritate the skin. Leave it on to dry for about thirty minutes.
Next rinse it off with warm water and pat dry. Wait 10 minutes then rub toothpaste on the affected areas of acne and let it dry. Toothpaste takes a long time to dry so applying this before bed is a good idea. The next morning wash off the hardened toothpaste.
It will take 5-7 days to clear your face of all acne.

Natural Acne Cream

This will make 1 to 2 weeks of acne cream so you'll have plenty to last. Mix 4 tablespoons of salt with a cup of milk. Then mix in 2 Tablespoons of maionaisse and set aside. In a blender blend a cup of oatmeal with 2 strawberries until smooth. Now mix this mixture with the milk, salt and mayonaisse mixture. Apply this cream to your face. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes or until it's hard. Then wash off with warm water. Do this once or twice daily.

Acne Treatment using Toothpaste.

It is known that toothpaste can play a big part in the treatment of acne. Simply apply toothpaste to your acne and pimples at night before bed. During the night the toothpaste will harden. Wash off the toothpast with warm waster the next morning.

Acne treatment using Fresh Garlic

Rub fresh garlic on and around acne and pimples. Do this regularly and you will see your acne and pimples disappear without leaving a mark. You can also puree your garlic and leave in a jar for later use.

Acne treatment using Teatree Oil

This is the most common home remedy for treating acne and pimples. Use a cotton swab to dab your acne and pimples before bed. In the morning you will wake to a clear face.

Acne Treatment using a Nutmeg and Milk Mix

Add grinded nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. This mix works magic on acne. Pimples are known to disappear without leaving a mark.
Acne treatment using a Honey and Cinnamon mix - Mix together honey and cinnamon powder until it's a paste consistency. Apply the paste at night to pimples before going to bed and wash it off the next morning with warm water. Repeat this procedure for two weeks and pimples will disappear forever.

Acne Treatment using a Honey and Cinnamon mix.

Mix together honey and cinnamon powder until it's a paste consistency. Apply the paste at night to pimples before going to bed and wash it off the next morning with warm water. Repeat this procedure for two weeks and pimples will disappear forever.

Acne Treatment using a Lemon and cinnamon mix.

Mix together 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder till it forms a paste. Us this paste for treatment of acne and pimples.

Acne Treatment using an Orange peel Paste

Make an orange peel paste by grinding orange peel in some boiling water. Let it cool and apply on and around acne and pimples. This can be used any time.
Acne treatment using an orange peel paste.

continued ....

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Acne Skin Care

Keeping the skin clean is an important part of acne treatment. There are special acne skin care cleansers that are designed for acne-prone skin. These come in varieties suited to different skin types such as dry or oily. Before choosing a skin care product you must first determine the type of skin you have. Many people have combination skin. This means that you have some oily areas and some dry areas. Oily areas on the face are usually in the middle strip and forehead, commonly called the "T-zone" because it is shaped like the letter T.

Over-the-counter formulas usually contain ingredients to help control the amount of oil on the skin, to normalize the amount of skin cells that are shed and kill the bacteria associated with acne. These products often cure mild to moderate acne when used properly.

Antibacterial products - Antibacterial face soaps or skin washes are designed to kill bacteria on the skin surface. The most common ingredient in these formulas is Triclosan. This is the mildest ingredient and is helpful for mild acne or as a preventative measure.

Benzoyl peroxide - Products that contain benzoyl peroxide work by killing the bacteria that can cause acne to spread. It is most effective on pimples. This treatment comes in various strengths from 2.5% to 10% solution. For mild acne choose the lowest strength possible. The strongest solution should only be used on body acne as it is too harsh for delicate skin on the face. This product does not unplug clogged pores. When washing with the liquid work it into a lather and let it sit on the affected areas for a minute or two. Then rinse with warm water. Always pat dry the areas instead of rubbing vigorously.

Salicylic acid - This common ingredient works to loosen clogged pores and helps to prevent pimples from forming. It also helps to lower the amount of dead skin cells that are shed so that less loose cells are available to form a clog. It does not kill bacteria that can cause acne. It does not affect production of oil in the skin so once you stop using it acne may begin to appear again.

Tea Tree Oil - This is a popular natural cure for acne that is found in skin cleansers. It can help to kill bacteria on the skin, leading to a reduction in acne. It can be found in health food stores.

Sulfur - Sulfur is a natural antiseptic. It is often found in soaps that are designed to reduce acne. The antiseptic properties can prevent bacteria from growing. It can, however, be drying to the skin.

The best way to fight acne is with a regular skin care regime. No matter what product you use you will need to use it faithfully for a while. Most products take several weeks or longer to work with acne. You may find that some products cause skin irritation. This is because many of them contain harsh ingredients. Always opt for the acne skin cleanser that contains the least amount of active ingredient so that your skin will not become red or irritated. See a dermatologist if your acne does not improve or worsens.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Causes and Cure of Acne

Acne can appear on many parts of the body other than the face. Body acne can happen almost anywhere but is most common on the back, chest, shoulders, neck or buttocks. It is actually quite common and many people have reported getting some acne on their body at some time during their life. Body acne can be embarrassing and unsightly though and so most people just don't talk about it.

Causes of Body Acne
Although the exact cause of body acne is not known for certain there are several factors that are thought to contribute to a higher incidence of it. Perspiration may make certain areas more susceptible to acne because of the constant dampness. Wearing tight clothing, especially when perspiring such as when working out, can often contribute to body acne. Wearing tight clothing on your back or rubbing your back against a seat or backpack when hot can also cause acne.

Genetics may turn out to be one of the biggest factors in whether you will have body acne. If your parents or other family members suffered from body acne it is more likely that you will also develop the condition. Poor nutrition can also contribute to acne. Maintaining a balanced diet can help the body better fight off small infections so you should try to eat foods that are high in antioxidants such as dark green leafy vegetables and fruits such as cranberries and pomegranates.

Hormones are also thought to play a role in whether you get body acne. Women who have elevated levels of male hormones, which can happen during menopause, may be more susceptible to body acne.

Getting Rid Of Body Acne
Body acne can be treated differently than acne that is on the face. The skin on the body is much tougher than that on the face so more aggressive treatment can take place. Use a strong level topical treatment on the affected areas. Be sure to shower immediately after you work out to remove excess perspiration that may contribute to acne breakouts. Whenever you perspire you should wash the area or shower.

Use a cleanser that is designed specifically for acne prone skin. Continue to use it on the areas that are prone to acne even after an initial breakout has ended. After showering apply some topical cream or lotion such as benzoyl peroxide. This can cause clothes to bleach so be sure to let it soak in completely before getting dressed. Skin that is too dry can lead to an acne breakout. If you have very dry skin be sure to use a moisturizer. Get a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic to keep your risk of acne lower.

If you have more severe body acne or have had it for a long time you may want to see a dermatologist. He can prescribe stronger medication and recommend the right regime for your particular case. Body acne is prone to leave scars and so you may want to talk to a doctor about possible treatment options. Although the scars will fade in time there are procedures that can be done such as micro-pigmentation, scalpel excision and skin needling that can help reduce severe scarring.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Causes And Treatments For Back Acne

Back acne is a common skin condition that affects almost everyone at sometime in his or her life. Acne is often thought of as appearing only on the face, however it is often on other parts of the body including the chest, arms, neck and back. Aside from the face, the back is the most common area to have an outbreak of acne.

Acne happens when the hair follicles or pores become clogged. This can happen when the glands under the pores secrete excess oil. Additionally, the skin is always growing new skin and dead skin is removed through the pores. A combination of excess oil along with too many dead skin cells can plug the pores causing acne.

There are also many factors that contribute to acne. Perspiration may cause acne on the body, particularly on the back. Sweat that is allowed to sit on the body for periods of time mix with the oils to form clogs of the pores. People often get sweaty backs when they sit in a hot chair for a long time, such as when driving.

Always take a shower after heavy sweating. Wear loose fitting, cotton shirts to allow the skin to breathe better. Cotton and other natural fibers help to wick perspiration away from the body. Avoid synthetic shirt fabrics such as nylon. Carrying a backpack can contribute to acne on the back by causing friction and sweat. Use another type of pack or carry the backpack until your acne clears up. Sporting clothing or equipment can also cause an acne breakout on your back. Wear clean clothes and avoid using tight fitting pads.

Getting rid of acne on your back may be difficult because you can't see or sometimes reach certain areas. Many over-the-counter acne treatments work very well on the back. Start with an acne cleanser. Use a small amount and work it into lather. Wet your back and apply the suds. Let it sit for several minutes before washing off. Use the acne cleanser daily on only your back or any other areas that have acne. After showering, dry your back thoroughly but gently.

Products that contain benzoyl peroxide help reduce acne by killing bacteria on the skin. These come in varying strengths based on the severity of your acne. The back is made of tougher skin than the face and can therefore tolerate stronger solutions. Try using a strong 10% solution. Apply to the affected areas on your back. Apply only to dry skin. Let the product soak in or dry before putting on a shirt.

Another common product in over the counter treatments is salicylic acid. These products help to loosen clogged pores and prevent new clogs from occurring. Often you may need to use a combination of treatments to help cure acne. Remember that most medications take several weeks or more to work so be patient. If your back acne persists or worsens, even after topical treatments, you should see a dermatologist. He can help determine the best course of action. He can prescribe stronger topical creams as well as oral treatments that can help clear your acne.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Do you really want to get rid of acne naturally? Well, finding out how to rid acne naturally is one of the highest priorities that you should take consideration especially when you have an all significant event to attend and your face has suddenly popped up some bothering spots. Unfortunately, there is still no instant solutions that will help you get rid acne naturally even up to this time. And, whatever form of the typical solution that works for some does not necessarily work for others.

Although there is no one particular solution that will rid acne, there are still a number of helpful tips that will guide you to get rid acne naturally, without the need to apply prescription creams and medicines. One of those tips that will help you get rid acne naturally is to take enough amount of water. It is often suggested that if someone if really willing to get rid acne, he or she should try to cut down on coke and some sweet bubbly drinks, and drink plenty of water instead. You try to drink eight glasses of water every day since water is very necessary for keeping the skin hydrated; otherwise the dead skin cells are not shed as efficiently, which may then trigger the formation of acne.

Taking supplements can also help you get rid acne as fast as possible. This is important knowing that most of the foods we eat do not contain all the vitamins and minerals that are required for maintaining the health of our skin.

Aside from that step for getting rid of acne, it is also worth noting that stress reduction is but a good move if you want to rid acne naturally. Although there is no evidence that stress triggers the acne formation, there is still a great possibility that it can aggravate acne, especially once beyond the puberty period. It is even noted that when the body is stressed, it then emits a hormone known as cortisol which can in turn worsen acne. So as long as you can, try to exercise and look at some relaxation tactics that would be helpful for you to get rid acne.

Proper diet finally plays a large role for getting rid of acne. Although most the specialists don’t believed that there is a connection with the formation of acne and poor diet, new researches have demonstrated that sugar as well as refined carbohydrates leaves certain impact on causing acne. So, to rid acne naturally, you should then try to avoid sugar and carbohydrates, and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. And, if you need snack between meals, you then try to take nuts and seeds. That way, you certainly can get rid acne.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tetracycline and Pimples

Tetracycline and pimples are a common combination because tetracycline is the most prescribed antibiotic to treat acne. It can be taken orally or applied as a cream.

Before a doctor prescribes you tetracycline, he will ask about your allergies and advise as to the pros and cons of using an antibiotic like tetracycline.

If tetracycline is prescribed for you, it is important to let the doctor know if you are taking any other medication or applying any other creams to help your acne because they may potentially react with tetracycline causing your pimples to get worse.

Even if your acne starts to clear up within a few days of using tetracycline, you must continue and complete the entire treatment cycle. Otherwise, your acne may return. Be aweare that it may take 4 - 6 weeks before an improvement is seen. If there is no improvement, or the condition gets any worse in this time period, then it's time for another visit to your doctor and he may change your antibiotic prescription.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne

Here are some additional Natural remedies for acne which include herbal remedies:

1. Wash your face with lukewarm water and mild soap twice a day.

2. Wash fresh methi leaves (fenu greek leaves) and grind it to make a paste. Apply it on face and wash it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.

3. Grind juicy tender neem leaves with turmeric to a consistency of paste. Apply this paste on acne and pimples. Wash this off after it dries.

4. Apply a face pack of ripe tomato pulp and wash it off as soon as it dries naturally (preferably after 45 minutes).

5. Do not keep the make up while sleeping. Cleanse it with a mild herbal cleanser.

6. Mix besan flour (gram flour) with rose water and apply a face pack.

6. Consuming fresh vegetable salads and fresh fruits keeps the skin healthy and resistant to blemishes.

7. Drink plenty of water (15 glasses a day).

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Top Causes of Acne Vulgaris

1. Acne vulgaris is a hormonally-mediated bodily process. It number one cause is production of sex hormones, known as androgens, which begins at puberty. This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents and teens. Hormones are also responsible for acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy. The female body goes through extreme changes in hormone levels during this time.

When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging; which results in the formation of acne.

2. Acne flare-ups most commonly appears on stressful periods. Stress can also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.

3. Oily or heavy make up clogs the skin pores and oily make-ups add more oil, which only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.

4. Certain medications and steroids. Vitamins are good for your body, but an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse.

5.Diets: For some people, a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and sugars can actually aggravate their acne.

6. Over abrasive cleansing: Harsh exfoliators can damage skin and spread infections.

7. Picking and squeezing: This can actually send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause scarring.

8. Environmental irritants: such as high humidity and pollution. High humidity actually causes swelling of skin. Pollution is of course is a big cause for clogging your pores.

9. Genes: Family members who are also acne sufferers. Acne is inherited and severe cases known as cystic acne usually come from heredity

10. Disease processes: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other endocrine disorders with excess androgens may trigger the development of acne vulgaris.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Get rid of Black Heads

The best way to reduce the appearance of blackheads is to do the following, twice a week:

1. Wash the skin using a gentle, natural exfoliating product and pat the skin dry
2. Fill a bowl/basin with boiling water, and a few drops of tea tree oil
3. Steam your face for about 5 minutes to open the pores and soften the skin
4. Apply a clay mask, such as bentonite clay or seaweed clay mask
* These masks will attract and absorb the oil in the blocked pore.
5. Let the mask work for the allocated time (10 minutes to an hour)
6. Rinse off with warm water and pat the skin dry
7. If you have scars or red marks from previous acne, this is a good time to apply a good scar treatment

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Blackheads Explained

Blackheads are caused by partially blocked pores. The "black" appearance of them is not caused by dirt, but by the oxidising effect of air on the sebum (oil) in a blocked pore and the melanin pigment from the dead skin cells.

The best way to get rid of blackheads is to remove the cause of them — excessive sebum (oil) and dead skin cells. Use only products made with natural ingredients that are not too astringent. Harsh products can strip the skin of oil, causing it to produce more sebum which leads to more blocked pores. Don't be afraid of using cleansing products containing natural oils, such as jojoba or coconut oil to cleanse the skin. These oils are close to our natural oils, so they don't block the pores. Use a gentle exfoliator every day to remove dead skin cells so they don't block pores. Just remember to be very gentle, over exfoliation can exacerbate the problem. Avoid products containing the following: alcohol, isopropyl mystate, lanolin, sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate, propylene glycol, mineral oil and parabens.

Do not to try and extract them forcibly, either using your fingers, fingernails or a comedone (blackhead) remover. This can cause permanent damage to the pores and stop them working properly for ever. You may squeeze some of the blackhead out, but you could also force some of it even deeper into the skin, which may lead to infection (large spots, pimples or even cysts) or permanent damage. Touching your skin should generally be avoided to prevent cross infection.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ways to Prevent Acne

If you're worried about acne, there are things you can do to keep those pimples away:

To help prevent the oil buildup that can lead to acne, wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap or cleanser.

Don't scrub your face. Scrubbing can actually make acne worse by irritating the skin. Wash gently, using your hands instead of a washcloth.

If you wear makeup, moisturizer, or sunscreen, make sure they are "oil-free," "noncomedogenic," or "nonacnegenic."

When you wash your face, take the time to remove all of your makeup.

If you use hair sprays or gels, try to keep them away from your face because they can clog pores.

If you have long hair, keep it away from your face and wash it regularly to reduce oil.

Baseball caps and other hats can cause pimples along the hairline. Avoid them if you think they are worsening your acne.

Wash your face after you've been exercising and sweating a lot.

Try not to touch your face.

Don't pick, squeeze, or pop pimples.

Many lotions and creams are sold at drugstores to help prevent acne and clear it up. You can try different ones to see which helps. Products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in them are usually pretty helpful for treating acne. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that can lead to acne and it also can reduce swelling (puffiness) of pimples. Salicylic acid is another acne-fighting ingredient. It causes skin to dry out and peel, which can help get rid of pimples, too.

When you use a product for acne, be sure to follow the directions exactly. Don't use more than you're supposed to because it can make your skin very red and very dry. It's also good to try just a little bit at first to be sure that you're not allergic to the product. Don't give up if you don't see results the next day. Acne medicine can take weeks or months to work.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that shows up as different types of bumps. They include whiteheads, blackheads, red bumps (pimples), and bumps that are filled with pus (cysts). What causes these annoying bumps? Well, your skin is covered with tiny holes called hair follicles, or pores. Pores contain sebaceous glands (oil glands) that make sebum, an oil that moistens your hair and skin.

Most of the time the glands make the right amount of sebum, and the pores are fine. But sometimes a pore gets clogged up with too much sebum, dead skin cells, and germs called bacteria. This can cause acne.

If a pore gets clogged up, closes, and bulges out from the skin, that's a whitehead. If a pore clogs up but stays open, the top surface can get dark and you're left with a blackhead. Sometimes the walls of the pore are broken, allowing sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells to get under the skin. This causes a small, red infection called a pimple. Clogged-up pores that open up deep in the skin can lead to bigger infections known as cysts.

You can check pictures of acne here